Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm 50/50

I guess it’s good that not being a lazy ass wasn’t one of my resolutions because I would have failed miserably by Sunday.


On Sunday, I woke up somewhere around 10am, managed to haul myself out of bed in the neighborhood of noon, found my way to the couch with my blanket and pillow in tow and stayed there until I went back to bed somewhere around 2.


I didn’t even bother with opening my computer. I either watched tv or my eye lids the entire day. I imagine I ate at some point but they day went by in such a hectic blur that I can’t even remember.

I redeemed myself a bit by being far more productive on Monday. I showered, dressed and left the house all because my roommate plied me with the tastiness of Sonny’s! I grocery shopped, made a barrel of chili, and knocked my dvr recordings down from 95% full to 83%.

I know there are some dissenters, people who may not find watching an entire season of Numbers in one day as particularly productive. To those people, I say you do not know the kind of dedication and willpower it takes to devote that much time to dvring. Not to mention skill. Oh yeah, there is much skill involved in prolonged tv watching. You have to stay on high alert to ensure that you change your position BEFORE the tingly feeling sets into one of your ass cheeks. If you aren’t vigilant in switching between laying and sitting and your butt falls asleep, you run the risk of slipping to the floor and possibly pulling something.

And how would you explain that injury to your coworkers and maintain your dignity?

You can’t.

So, you spend your Mondays going to work, going to school, shoveling your sidewalk, getting a perm, serving someone in the mall with your sweet dance moves, etc. and I will be at home not working or schooling or shoveling or perming or serving someone (ok, this one I am a little disappointed about – if you need an extra for your dance crew, call me up and I am so there – I love serving chumps in the mall – I got a boom box we can totally use) and I'll spend mine staying in dvr shape.

In actual resolution news, so far, I’m about 50/50.

I have not met the any men of my 2010 dreams, I have not managed to run 3 feet never mind 3 miles and the only work I’ve done on my room was a few loads of laundry.

I have written a shit ton for work but I haven’t written anything for pleasure and that was really the intent of the resolution so I don’t think I deserve credit for that.

However, I have been very good at taking everything out of my car and I have been high maintenance and girly every day for work. Actually, people at work have noticed my efforts and have been giving me such nice compliments, it’s a great boost to the ego! Everyone should wear earrings and perfume.

I haven’t worked on any design stuff but I did set up a Blogger account because they let you do custom html and they don’t even charge you (Typepad is such douche bags)! You can find me at! I plan to put all new posts on both blogs while I play with designs and what not so feel free to visit me at either or both! I also now have a gmail account,[at]gmail[dot]com, email me or chat me up at Google Talk [bstalks] or both.

I like both.

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