Sorry, I didn’t post anything yesterday, I had a pretty shitty day. Well, there was an hour in the middle I kinda liked and it may or may not have involved meeting a boy. But the rest? The rest I would like to punch in the junk while wearing brass knuckles taped up with scissors, pointy end toward junk.
In truth, the whole week has kinda been shit. And I still have 1 more day to go!
Maybe, I should put on the big girl skirt and stop my whining.
So, the other day, I said I was mourning the possibility of a cavity. I can’t decide if that is actually correct word usage. I think it really should be something like mourning the possibility of the loss of my perfect mouth. I don’t know. Are both correct? Are neither correct? Someone help me out.
Either way you say it, I may have a freaking cavity. Even though I went to the dentist on Wednesday, I don’t actually know for sure about the cavity because I went to the student dental clinic and apparently, my student has to turn in my x-rays for a grade before they are read and a course of action is decided. Who knew?
Other than the cavity things, the whole student dental clinic experience was pretty good. I met a very nice woman in her 70s (I’m just guessing based on her appearance, I didn’t ID her or anything), hence forth she will be known as LOL – little old lady, and she asked if she could follow me to the building because she had never been here before. I wasn’t exactly sure where I was supposed to go either and since the dental clinic is part of a gynormous teaching hospital I figured it would be mutually beneficial to allow this nice LOL to follow me. If we got lost and were out there wandering for days and days and then weeks and weeks, she would likely perish before me, being old and all, and I would have a food source to sustain me if it came to that. Or, on the off chance we made it to our destinations, I would have some good karma for helping a LOL cross the street and what not. Well, I guess it wasn’t completely mutually beneficial since it would be a win/win for me and a lose/win for the LOL depending on the outcome but why split grey- blue hairs?
Luckily, we did find our way to the right place and I helped the LOL get registered and signed in and then I did the same for myself. Then I found a seat and waited to be seen. FOR AN HOUR!!!
Truth be told, the hour wait wasn’t bad. I enjoyed people watching for a bit and let me tell you, some special people come out of the wood work to go to the deeply discounted student dental clinic! I fantasized about hitting the dumb broad that sat next, reading Going Rogue, with the book (it has to be good for something, right?) and knocking out all of her teeth, thus eliminating her need to be at the dental clinic sitting next to me. In the end, I decided others might not interpret my actions as the philanthropic deed I was going for so I just played Sudoku on my iPhone instead. I don’t know what it is with Sudoku, but I am terrible at it! I can solve the easy and medium puzzles but not as quickly as I think I should and it is rare that I can get a hard puzzle without having to outright guess a number or two. It really pisses me off.
After being bested by On a break from Sudoku, I saw a large gaggle of people in scrubs come into the lobby and since I am in full on Men in Twenty-Ten mode, I was scoping the merchandise. It seems dental students are a pretty attractive bunch and I made a nice long list of guys I hoped would be my student dentist.
Naturally, I got a girl. I guess the LOL karma can’t be used for hot, male dentist selection.
And to make matters worse, I saw this particular girl, Corlina, come into the lobby, walk up to a group of other girls and hug each one of them. I fucking hate hugging people! Don’t get me wrong, if I haven’t seen you in a while or I won’t see you in a while or if you’ve had a bad day or if you are my man-friend then I have no problems hugging you. If I just saw you yesterday or in 3rd period or an hour ago at work and now we are at the same club, I see no reason for any combination of squealing, jumping and hugging. I thought we graduated junior high school.
Besides the hugging thing, Corlina did a pretty good job taking my x-rays. She only had to repeat 1 of them which I think speaks volumes about her abilities because those damn films are ridiculously too big. I don’t understand how they are 1 size fits all. I may be pretty loud and very talkative but I have a small mouth. (Go ahead, make your jokes, I am sure I have heard them all before.) The idea that someone with a mouth like Mick Jagger can use the same mouth pieces I use is just absurd. The part under my tongue still hurts a bit but if Corlina gets a good grade, I ok with a bit of pain. Yeah, I’m a martyr like that.
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